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I am a lifelong writer, college English and writing instructor, participate in critique groups, work on an editorial team as well as serve as a Poetry-Editor-in-Residence. I'm passionate about expansive pleasure and imaginative precision in writing. My workshops can deepen your sense of joy in writing while providing tools for more effective expression.
Have your own writing topic in mind? Contact me to create a workshop for you.
topics include:
~Inspiration Scavenger Hunt
~Ariadne's Thread: a Journaling Journey
~Play as Nourishment for the Imagination
~Point of View: Exercises in Perspective
~Turning Writer's Block into Building Blocks
~Who Says It's a Universal Story
~Writing the Other-Authentic Inclusivity
~Embodied Poetry
The imagination at play is emancipatory medicine through which we create community: with ourselves, each other and Earth.
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