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things aren't what they seem

Updated: May 13, 2022

There is purslane. this is a story of transformation

It is in a crack. of redemption

The crack is in the asphalt.this is a story of Divine’s intervention

purslane growing out of split asphalt broken places cracked places creviced

places we don’t expect healing to come from when we see fractured places we want to patch them restore the aesthetic we want to bury what is

unseemly conceal the shatter pour more hardness into over smother it make

it break resistant make the pervious impervious

When really what emerges from the broken, the disintegrity, holds our healing and wholeness

"Purslane's medicinal value is evident from its use for treatment of burns, headache, and diseases related to the intestine, liver, stomach, cough, shortness of breath, and arthritis. It is one of the few vegetables that's rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important to support healthy arteries and can help prevent strokes, heart attacks, and other forms of heart disease. In fact, purslane has the highest-recorded levels of omega-3 fatty acids of any land-based plant. It is listed by the World Health Organization as one of the most used medicinal plants and it has been given the term 'Global Panacea.' Purslane was known in ancient Egypt and is mentioned in Greek manuscripts as early as 600 BC. Purslane has been revered and respected – not only as a medicinal herb, but equally treasured for its magical properties as well. Purslane has the ability to dispel unwholesome energy through the generation of positive energy."

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