I'm excited to let you know that my first full-length poetry collection, We Remember Ourselves, has been published! This is a watershed event for me because I've been wanting to do and been encouraged to put together a book for years. And finally, as Poetry-Editor-in-Residence with Flying Ketchup press, it's happened!
I would greatly appreciate you buying my book directly from me rather than Amazon so more money comes to me rather than Bezos who did not spend years crafting these poems. And, if you purchase from me, I'll sign your book! If you do purchase from Amazon, kindly leave a review.
Currently, I'm working on lining up readings to share the poems in this collection as well as new ones I'm working on. I'll keep you posted on when and where. I'd love to for you to experience a reading with me.
In the meantime, here's a baby poem I just birthed yesterday. Now you'll have to buy my second book to see what she grows into!
make way
does not each no make way like a plow
for your every yes
sometimes no is bright as death
glorious as heartbreak
a whisper in the lonely dark         Â
that unlocks
the cage of coerced yesses from your lips
even when your innocent ancient wise body sang no
just as a bird wings no to gravity   yes to sky
knowing no is the biggest yes